For about $170, which will you carry?

Here are two reviews of two current digital cameras that are both going for around $170:

  • gave a lukewarm review of the Kodak Z8612 IS camera. This is a 12X "superzoom" camera that won't fit in your pocket, but will get you pretty decent photos from over 100 feet away.
  • had kinder remarks about the Kodak M1033 camera, a personal favorite of mine. This is a very compact pocket model with a typical 35-105mm lens, and a bigger-than-usual 3-inch LCD screen. CNET liked its image quality; in addition, I like how it's insanely light and compact.

So how do you choose? If you shoot lots of photos from the bleachers at a football game, the Z8612 is a pretty decent value.

But I've always believed that you'll get the best photos from the camera you keep with you. A pocket camera fits better in my sport jacket than a bulky superzoom. Thus, I pack the M1033 for casual shooting, and use a DSLR when photography is the main reason I'm headed out.

The M1033 replaced a Kodak V550 pocket camera that I loved for its high-visibility 2.5-inch screen. I bought that camera for $44 from eBay, and aside from the limitation of a 5-MP sensor, it's still a pretty good performer.

Full Disclosure: I work for Kodak. But I use cameras from Panasonic, Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Casio, Olympus, and Kodak.

In other words, I'm a gadgeteer.


davek57 said…
Greetings. Thank you for stopping by.