Review beat: Maybe "DP" stands for "don't post"

One of the digital camera review web sites has all but given up individual reviews of point-and-shoot digital cameras. They've decided to focus on DSLRs and their accessory lenses. The exception are "roundup" articles, in which they'll do a quickie analysis of 4-5 compact cameras.

Is this well thought-out? P/S cameras may not snag those magazine-cover quality images, but the abundance of intriguing photos over at suggests that not everyone wants -- or needs -- a DSLR. A new DSLR costs more than $500; you can buy two, or maybe three high compacts from Canon, Kodak, or Panasonic for that amount of money.

I like my DSLR, but carrying it everywhere is a pain. I just don't do it. Most days, you'll find a pocket-size digital camera in my jacket. Most times, it gets the shot I want.

Memo to go upmarket, and you might lose the readership that got you where you are today -- a subsidiary of


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